Wainuiomata Community Board



14 November 2019




Order Paper for the Inaugural meeting to be held in the

Wainuiomata Library, Queen Street, Wainuiomata,







Wednesday 20 November 2019 commencing at 7.00pm










Dawn McKinley

Terry Stallworth

Gary Sue

Sisi Tuala-Le’afa

Gabriel Tupou

Jodie Winterburn

Cr K Brown







For the dates and times of Council Meetings please visit






Wainuiomata Community Board


Inaugural meeting to be held in the Wainuiomata Library, Queen Street, Wainuiomata on

 Wednesday 20 November 2019 commencing at 7.00pm.




Public Business


1.       APOLOGIES 

2.       Statutory Declarations (19/1319)

3.       Statutory Briefing (19/1321)

Report No. WCB2019/1(2)/223 by the Acting General Counsel  5

4.       Election of Chair and Deputy Chair (19/1324)

a)    System of Voting

Clauses 25 & 37, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 require that a community board must determine by resolution that a person be elected or appointed chairperson and deputy chairperson by using one of the following systems of voting:

System A –

(a)   requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives the votes of a majority of the members of the local authority present and voting; and

(b)   has the following characteristics:

(i)      there is a first round of voting for all candidates ; and

(ii)     if no candidate is successful in that round there is a second round of voting from which the candidate with the fewest votes in the first round is excluded; and

(iii)    if no candidate is successful in the second round there is a third, and if necessary subsequent, round of voting from which, each time, the candidate with the fewest votes in the previous round is excluded; and

(iv)    in any round of voting, if 2 or more candidates tie for the lowest number of votes, the person excluded from the next round is resolved by lot.

System B –

(a)   requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives more votes than any other candidate; and

(b)   has the following characteristics:

(i)      there is only 1 round of voting; and

(ii)     if 2 or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot.

b)    Election of Chair

c)    Election of Deputy Chair


Generally up to 30 minutes is set aside for public comment (three minutes per speaker). Speakers may be asked questions on the matters they raise.  

6.       Presentation

Heartland Ride Application (19/1351)

Presentation by Love Wainuiomata, Christine and Barrie Green and Council’s Healthy City Design Lead


8.       Interim Community Board Delegations (19/1342)

Report No. WCB2019/1(2)/104 by the Committee Advisor       15

9.       Committee Advisor's Report (19/1344)

Report No. WCB2019/1(2)/12 by the Committee Advisor         22      


With reference to section 32 of Standing Orders, before putting a question a member shall endeavour to obtain the information. Questions shall be concise and in writing and handed to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting.   








Kathryn Stannard




                                                                      14                          21 August 2019

Wainuiomata Community Board

01 November 2019




File: (19/1321)





Report no: WCB2019/1(2)/223


Statutory Briefing


Purpose of Report

1.    The purpose of this report is to provide members with a general explanation of the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and other laws affecting members.


That the Board notes the legislative provisions affecting members.



2.    It is a requirement of clause 21 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 that the business to be conducted at the first meeting following a triennial general election contain a general explanation of laws affecting members.

3.    Legislation of particular relevance to members includes:

(a)   Local Government Act 2002;

(b)   Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987;

(c)   Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968;

(d)   Sections 99, 105 and 105A of the Crimes Act 1961;

(e)   Secret Commissions Act 1910;

(f)    Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013; and

(g)   Public Audit Act 2001.

Local Government Act 2002

4.    The Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) is the primary piece of legislation governing local authorities and how they carry out their functions.

5.    The Act contains specific provisions in relation to the functions carried out and services offered by local authorities and the powers that local authorities have.

6.    It also sets out key generally applicable provisions in relation to decision making and governance by local authorities. These general provisions are discussed below.

Purpose of the Act

7.    The purpose of the Act is to provide for democratic and effective local government that recognises the diversity of New Zealand communities. The Act:

(a)   states the purpose of local government;

(b)   provides a framework and powers for local authorities to decide which activities they undertake and the manner in which they will undertake them;

(c)   promotes the accountability of local authorities to their communities; and

(d)   provides for local authorities to meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses.

8.    The Act also sets out principles and requirements for local authorities that are intended to facilitate participation by Maori in local authority decision­ making processes. This is to recognise and respect the Crown's responsibility to take appropriate account of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and to maintain and improve opportunities for Maori to contribute to local government decision­ making processes.

Purpose of Local Government

9.    The purpose of local government is:

(a)  to enable democratic local decision­-making and action by, and on behalf

of, communities; and

(b)  to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being

of communities in the present and for the future.

10.   A local authority must exercise its powers wholly or principally for the benefit of its district.

11.   In performing its role, a local authority must act in accordance with the following principles:

(a)   conduct its business in an open, transparent and democratically accountable manner;

(b)   give effect to its identified priorities and desired outcomes in an efficient and effective manner;

(c)   make itself aware of, and should have regard to, the views of all of its communities; and when making a decision, take account of:

·      the diversity of the community;

·      the community's interests, within its district or region;

·      the interests of future as well as current communities; and

·      the likely impact of any decision on these interests;

(d)   provide opportunities for Maori to contribute to its decision­ making processes;

(e)   collaborate and co­operate with other local authorities and bodies as it considers appropriate to promote or achieve its priorities and desired outcomes, and make efficient use of resources;

(f)    undertake any commercial transactions in accordance with sound business practices;

(g)   ensure prudent stewardship and the efficient and effective use of its resources in the interests of its district or region; and

(h)   in taking a sustainable development approach, a local authority should take into account:

·      the social, economic, and cultural interests of people and communities;

·      the need to maintain and enhance the quality of the environment; and

·      the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations.

Governance principles

12.   A local authority must act in accordance with the following principles in relation to its governance:

(a)   ensure that the role of democratic governance of the community, and the expected conduct of elected members, is clear and understood by elected members and the community;

(b)   ensure that the governance structures and processes are effective, open and transparent;

(c)   ensure that, so far as is practicable, responsibility and processes for decision­ making in relation to regulatory responsibilities is separated from responsibility and processes for decision making for non­-regulatory responsibilities;

(d)   be a good employer; and

(e)   ensure that the relationship between elected members and management of the local authority is effective and understood.

Appointment of Chief Executive

13.   The Act requires the local authority to appoint a Chief Executive who has specific responsibilities set out in the Act. In particular the Chief Executive’s role is to implement the local authority’s decisions, the management of the local authority and the employment of staff.

Liability of Members

14.   Local authority members (and committee, community board or other subordinate decision­ making bodies of that local authority) are generally covered for any claims against them in their role as local authority members. This does not cover directors of council controlled organisations carrying out that role.

15.   The Act sets up protections for the local authority’s assets by making members liable for a loss by the local authority (ie, when the local authority’s money is unlawfully spent or an asset is unlawfully sold). However, there are a number of defences to this, for example, that the member did not know or did not agree to the actions or that they voted against the actions or relied on reports and/or financial data.

Community Boards

16.   The Act provides for the establishment and governance of community boards.

17.   A community board, is an unincorporated body, and is not a local authority or a committee of the relevant territorial authority.

18.   The role of a community board is to:

(a)   represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of its community;

(b)   consider and report on all matters referred to it by the territorial authority, or any matter of interest or concern to the community board;

(c)   maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community;

(d)   prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community;

(e)   communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community; and

(f)    undertake any other responsibilities that are delegated to it by the territorial authority.

Planning, decision making and accountability

19.   Part 6 of the Act sets out provisions relating to planning, decision­ making, and accountability.  The key elements are:

(a)   understanding options;

(b)   community views and the principles that apply to local authorities;

(c)   the processes that allow for opportunities and the encouragement of Maori participation;

(d)   the local authority must inform itself in a way that is appropriate to the significance of the issue before making any decision on it; and

(e)   the more significant the issue the more thorough the level of analysis required.

Consultation Requirements

20.   The Act sets out principles of consultation and when the special consultative procedure is to be used. As noted above, the local authority must inform itself in a way that is appropriate to the significance of the issue. The Act sets out specific decisions that require the use of the special consultative procedure. These include the Long Term Plan (LTP) and the making of bylaws.

Community Outcomes

21.   The Act contains extensive planning, decision-making and consultation requirements intended to achieve the purpose of engaging the community in the local authority’s decision-making. Local authorities are now required to facilitate a process every six years where the community identifies community outcomes. These are desired results and represent the community’s view.


22.   Councils must produce an annual plan and an annual report. In the years a local authority is not required to produce a LTP it must produce an Annual Plan.

23.   The Annual Plan links the LTP to the annual budgeting process (including the setting of rates). The Annual Plan must include:

(a)   a proposed annual budget;

(b)   a funding impact statement for the year;

(c)   forecast financial statements for the year;

(d)   service levels and performance measures; and

(e)   details of any changes to the LTP.

24.   The Annual Report must include amongst other things:

(a)   the results of any monitoring of community outcomes done during the year (this must be done at least once every three years); and

(b)   details of the financial and nonfinancial performance of the local authority.

25.   The Act also sets out requirements around council financial requirements. A Council is required to maintain a balanced budget and to have in place a number of specific financial policies.

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

26.   The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA):

(a)  makes official information held by local authorities more freely available;

(b)  provides for proper access by each person to official information relating to that person which is held by local authorities;

(c)  provides for the admission of the public to meetings of local authorities;

(d)  protects official information held by local authorities and the deliberations of local authorities to the extent consistent with the public interest and the preservation of personal privacy; and

(e)  establishes procedures to achieve the above purposes.

Requests for Information

27.   The main principle of the LGOIMA is that information must be made available unless there is good reason for withholding it.  Valid reasons for withholding information are set out in sections 6, 7, 8 and 17 of the LGOIMA, and include:

(a)   providing the information would prejudice the maintenance of the law or endanger the safety of any person;

(b)   protecting the privacy of individuals;

(c)   preventing the disclosure of a trade secret or prejudice to the commercial position of the supplier or subject of the information;

(d)   enabling the local authority to conduct its affairs without improper pressure or harassment;

(e)   providing the information requested cannot be achieved without substantial collation or research; and

(f)    the request is frivolous or vexatious or the information requested is trivial.

28.   A local authority is entitled to charge a fee for providing official information.

29.   If an applicant’s request for information is refused they are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman and seek an investigation and review of the refusal.

Attendance of Public at Meetings

30.   Members of the public are entitled to attend meetings of the local authority.

31.   LGOIMA sets out provisions regarding the public notification of meetings and the rights of members of the public to inspect agendas and associated reports.

32.   Local authorities are entitled to exclude the public from part or all of a meeting provided the reasons for doing so are explained.  Valid reasons for excluding the public under section 48 of LGOIMA include:

(a)   good reason for withholding information in terms of sections 6 or 7 exist (Note: Section 7(2)(f)(i) is not included);

(b)   disclosure would be contrary to another enactment;

(c)   meeting is considering a recommendation from the Ombudsman; and

(d)   right of appeal lies to any Court or Tribunal.

33.   In addition to the provisions of LGOIMA, Council is also required by clause 27 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 to adopt a set of Standing Orders for the conduct of meetings. Council in 2003 adopted Standing Orders that reflect the provisions of the New Zealand Standard Model Standing Orders, customised to meet the particular requirements of Hutt City Council. Clause 16 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act requires that members of local authorities abide by the Standing Orders adopted. Members may be excluded from a meeting pursuant to a ruling under Standing Orders.

34.   Sections 52 and 53 of LGOIMA provide that written or oral statements on any matter before a meeting of the Council, committee or community board are privileged unless the statement is proved to be motivated by ill will. This type of privilege is known as “qualified privilege”. Qualified privilege is a protection afforded to persons acting in good faith and without any improper motive in making statements. For qualified privilege to apply, members must have a positive belief in the truth of what is said, and there should also be no suggestion of personal spite or ill will by the maker of the statement. The statutory protection of sections 52 and 53 would not necessarily extend outside a meeting.

Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968

35.   The Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968 (the “Members’ Interests Act”) outlines circumstances in which members may be disqualified from holding office because of their involvement in contracts and outlines circumstances when a pecuniary interest will prevent members from voting on or discussing particular issues.


36.   The Members’ Interests Act disqualifies a person from being a member, or being elected or appointed a member of a local authority or any committee of a local authority, if they are concerned or interested in contracts or subcontracts with the local authority and total payment for such contracts exceeds $25,000 in any financial year.

37.   It is an offence to act as a member while disqualified, punishable by a fine not exceeding $200.

38.   The Members’ Interests Act defines “concerned or interested in a contract” widely to include involvement of a member or their spouse in a company that contracts or sub-contracts with the local authority.

39.   The term “contract” does not include any contract for the employment of staff by a local authority.

40.   Where a member has an interest in a contract by virtue of a shareholding in an incorporated company the Members’ Interests Act may apply.

41.   The prior approval of the Audit Office may be sought in special cases to allow payment without disqualification under a contract that would otherwise be a disqualifying contract.

42.   If a member becomes disqualified an extraordinary vacancy is created and the person is precluded from being elected or appointed to the local authority until the next triennial general election.

43.   Members are urged to take the following steps as protection:

(a)   advise the Chief Executive of any organisations with whom dealings should be restricted because of a potential conflict of interest; and

(b)   advise the management of any such organisations to keep the member informed if they are likely to become involved in dealings with the local authority.

44.   Officers will shortly be circulating a publication on the Members’ Interests Act produced by the Audit Office and forms for elected members to declare their interests. This publication also contains guidelines about situations where members may have a non-monetary interest in a matter and guidelines around avoiding situations where an allegation of bias in decision making could arise. Such situations could cause a decision of the local authority to be called into question. It is important that members should seek legal advice where they are concerned that a potential conflict of interest of any kind may exist in relation to a matter before the council.

Voting and discussion on matters where there is a pecuniary interest

45.   The Members’ Interests Act prohibits a member from voting or taking part in the discussion of any matter in which the member has, directly or indirectly, any pecuniary interest, other than an interest in common with the public.

46.   A member has a pecuniary interest in a matter if it would, if dealt with in a particular way, give rise to an expectation of a gain or loss of money by that member.

47.   A member who is prohibited from voting on or taking part in the discussion on any matter must, when the matter is raised, declare the pecuniary interest and abstain from the discussion. The disclosure and abstention from discussion and voting is recorded in the minutes. (Note: Hutt City Council Standing Orders also suggest that members should consider leaving the table or meeting room for the full duration of discussion on such matters.)

48.   If a member votes or speaks on a matter when having a pecuniary interest they are liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100. A conviction results in the member being granted leave of absence until the time for lodging an appeal against conviction has expired or, if an appeal is lodged, until the determination of that appeal. When the leave of absence has expired and the conviction has not been quashed or set aside, the office of the member is vacated and dealt with as an extraordinary vacancy.

49.   Only the Audit Office may institute proceedings for an offence against the Members’ Interests Act. The onus of not breaching the Act rests on the member concerned.

Sections 99, 105 and 105A of the Crimes Act 1961

50.   Clause 21(5)(c) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act requires that members be briefed on sections 99, 105 and 105A of the Crimes Act 1961. These provisions fall under Part 6 of the Crimes Act, which relates to crimes affecting the administration of law and justice.

51.   Section 99 sets out the definition of a bribe as any money, valuable consideration, office, or employment, or any benefit, whether direct or indirect.

52.   Sections 105 and 105A provide that it is an offence for any official (which includes a member of a local authority) to corruptly:

(a)   accept or obtain or agree or offer to accept or attempt to obtain, any bribe for himself or herself or any other person in respect of any act done or omitted, or to be done or omitted, by him or her in their official capacity. The penalty for this is a maximum of seven years imprisonment;

(b)   give or offer or agree to give any bribe to any person with intent to influence any official in respect of any act or omission by that officer in their official capacity. The penalty for this is a maximum of seven years imprisonment; and

(c)   use or disclose information acquired in their official capacity, to directly or indirectly obtain an advantage or pecuniary gain, for themselves or any other person. The penalty for this is a maximum of seven years imprisonment.

Secret Commissions Act 1910

53.   The Secret Commissions Act 1910 prohibits secret commissions. The principle behind the Act is that persons holding positions of trust (ie, elected members) should not profit through holding that position. It is an offence for any agent of a principal to accept, or attempt to obtain, any gift, inducement or reward for doing or not doing any act by virtue of the office they hold. Every member of a local authority is deemed to be an agent of the local authority.

54.   The maximum penalty on indictment is a $1,000 fine or two years imprisonment for an individual or a $2,000 fine for a corporation.

Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013

55.   The Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 imposes on Members the same responsibilities as company directors whenever Council offers securities (debt or equity) to the public. Members may be personally liable if investment documents such as a disclosure statement contain untrue statements and may be liable for criminal prosecution if the requirements of the Act are not met.

56.   The Act also prohibits any Member who has information about a listed company that is not generally available to the market, from trading in that company’s shares or from disclosing that information.

57.   The penalties for certain offences under this Act (false or misleading statements in disclosure documents – 10 years; or insider trading – five years) are such that if a Member were convicted, that conviction would result in ouster from office.

Public Audit Act 2001

58.   Although not mentioned in Clause 21(5)(c) of Schedule 7, it is worth noting the Public Audit Act 2001. This Act has the primary purposes of establishing the Controller and Auditor-General and the Deputy Controller and Auditor General as officers of Parliament and restating the law relating to the audit of public sector organisations and public entities (which includes local authorities). Sections 24 and 25 of the Public Audit Act set out information gathering powers relevant to elected members as members of the governing body of a public entity. Members must comply with requests from the Controller and Auditor General for documents and information or explanations about information provided.


59.   Particular legal requirements may require members to consult with the Office of the Controllers and Auditor General.

Legal Considerations

60.   The statutory briefing information contained in this report is of a general nature only and is not exhaustive. If members have particular concerns they should seek appropriate legal advice.

61.   Breach of relevant legislation can result in serious consequences such as disqualification from office or imprisonment.

62.   The onus on complying with the relevant legislation falls with each individual member, not the Chief Executive.

Financial Considerations

63.   There are no financial considerations arising from this report. (Note: there may be financial considerations for individual members in relation to the Members’ Interests Act and pecuniary interests).


There are no appendices for this report.     






Author: Chris Bell

Acting General Counsel





Reviewed By: Brent Kibblewhite

General Manager Corporate Services





Approved By: Jo Miller

Chief Executive


                                                                             15                                   20 November 2019

Wainuiomata Community Board

08 November 2019




File: (19/1342)





Report no: WCB2019/1(2)/104


Interim Community Board Delegations







That the Board notes the interim delegations to Community Boards as approved by Council.



1.    A report was considered by Council at its meeting held on 4 November 2019, attached as Appendix 1 to the report. Council adopted the recommendations contained in the report.

2.    Attached as Appendix 2 to the report are the adopted interim delegations and functions for Community Boards.






Appendix 1 Interim Delegations to Community Boards Council Report



Appendix 2 Interim Delegations for Community Boards




Author: Donna Male

Committee Advisor



Approved By: Kathryn Stannard

Divisional Manager, Democratic Services



Attachment 1

Appendix 1 Interim Delegations to Community Boards Council Report


Extraordinary Meeting of Council

21 October 2019


File: (19/1289)



Report no: HCC2019/1(2)/219


Interim Delegations to Community Boards


Purpose of Report

1.    The purpose of this report is to seek adoption of interim delegations to community boards for the start of the 2019-2022 triennium.


That Council:

(i)    notes that the delegations to community boards for the 2019-2022 triennium will be reviewed for consideration by Council in consultation with the community boards early in 2020, with the objective of having new delegations in place by the end of March 2020; and

(ii)   adopts the interim delegations to community boards attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

For the reasons that the interim delegations presented will provide a framework within which to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of local communities in the present and for the future.



2.    Clause 32 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) makes provision for local authorities to delegate responsibilities, duties and powers to community boards, with the proviso that a territorial authority must consider whether or not to delegate to a community board if the delegation would enable the community board to best achieve its role.


3.    The delegations made to community boards covering 2016-2019 will be reviewed for the new triennium, for consideration by Council in consultation with the community boards. This work is scheduled to take place early in 2020, allowing time for the newly elected members to develop familiarity with the expectations associated with their new roles. The objective is to have new delegations in place by the end of March 2020.     

4.    On that basis, it is recommended that the delegations made to community boards in the last triennium, attached as Appendix 1, be adopted as interim delegations to the new community boards.


5.    Options for new delegations will be prepared for Council consideration in consultation with the community boards early in 2020.


6.    No consultation has been undertaken in preparing this report. 

Legal Considerations

7.    Section 52 of the LGA outlines the role of community boards as follows:

The role of a community board is to—

(a) represent, and act as an advocate for, the interests of its community; and

(b) consider and report on all matters referred to it by the territorial authority, or any matter of interest or concern to the community board; and

(c) maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community; and

(d) prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community; and

(e) communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community; and

(f) undertake any other responsibilities that are delegated to it by the territorial authority.


8.    Section 53 of the LGA outlines the powers of community boards as follows:

(1) A community board has the powers that are—

(a) delegated to it by the relevant territorial authority in accordance with clause 32 of Schedule 7; …

(3) Despite subsection (1), a community board may not—

(a) acquire, hold, or dispose of property; or

(b) appoint, suspend, or remove staff.


9.    The interim delegations presented for Council consideration reflect the role and powers of community boards as outlined in the LGA.

Financial Considerations

10.   There are no financial considerations in respect of this report. 






Interim Delegations to Community Boards


Author: Joyanne Stevens


Reviewed By: Kathryn Stannard

Divisional Manager, Democratic Services

Approved By: Jo Miller

Chief Executive

Attachment 2

Appendix 2 Interim Delegations for Community Boards





                                                                             24                                   20 November 2019

Wainuiomata Community Board

08 November 2019




File: (19/1344)





Report no: WCB2019/1(2)/12


Committee Advisor's Report





Purpose of Report

1.    The primary purpose of the report is for the Board to consider items of interest.



That the Board:

(i)      notes and receives the report;

(ii)     determines the venue and start times for its 2020 meetings;

(iii)    approves the next Board meeting date of 19 February 2020;

(a)  notes that the full schedule of meetings for 2020 will be reported to the first Board meeting in 2020;

(b)  notes that the Chair will set dates for informal meetings of the Board as the need arises; and

(c)  delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Board Chair, to alter the date, time or venue of a meeting, or cancel a meeting, should circumstances require this;

(iv)    determines catering requirements for its 2020 meetings;

(v)     determines advertising requirements for its 2020 meetings; and

(vi)    notes that any external appointments will be considered in early 2020.


Venue and Start Times for Meetings of the Board

2.    In the previous triennium the Board met at the Wainuiomata Library. The Board is asked to confirm a venue for its 2020 meetings.

3.    In the previous triennium the Board met at 7.00pm. The Board is asked to confirm the meeting time for its 2020 meetings.

2020 Meeting dates

4.    Council will consider, at its meeting to be held on 10 December 2019, the meeting schedule for 2020. At this meeting the new Council Committee structure will be adopted, which will include the consideration of the timing of meeting cycles. As Community Board meetings are usually held at the commencement of a meeting cycle, meeting dates for the Board in 2020 could be affected and therefore the full schedule of meetings for 2020 is deferred to be reported to the first Board meeting in 2020.

5.    The Board is asked to approve its next meeting date of Wednesday, 19 February 2020.

6.    The Board is also asked to delegate authority to the Hutt City Council Chief Executive to alter the date, time or venue of a meeting, or cancel a meeting, when required, in consultation with the Chair of the Board.


7.    In the previous triennium the Board provided catering for meetings. The Board is asked to consider catering requirements for its 2020 meetings.

Advertising Meetings

8.    The Board’s meetings are advertised in the Hutt News and on Council’s website. The cost for this does not come out of the Board’s Miscellaneous Administration budget. The Board’s meetings are also advertised in the Wainuiomata News, this cost does come from the Board’s Miscellaneous Administration budget.

9.    The Board is asked to consider advertising requirements for its 2020 meetings.

External Appointments

10.   The Board will be asked to consider making appointments to local organisations requiring representation from the Board, at its first ordinary meeting in 2020.

Elected Members Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

11.   The Elected Members Code of Conduct and Standing Orders will be considered and adopted at future Hutt City Council meetings. A report on each will then be considered by the Board following this, in 2020. In the meantime, the current Elected Members Code of Conduct and Standing Orders continue to apply to members and meetings.

12.   Please note that the Community Board delegations and functions are covered under a separate item on the agenda for this meeting.

Council’s current consultation and community engagement


13.   Please see below a list of current proposals Council is consulting on. These can be viewed on the Council website


Cats in Lower Hutt

17 November 2019

Wainuiomata Reserves Review

1 December 2019


14.   For the latest updates on what is happening in Naenae, visit

2019/2020 Miscellaneous Administration and Training Budgets


15.   The following is the Board’s expenditure as at 5 November 2019.


Miscellaneous Administration





Expenditure at 05.11.2019








16.   The detailed expenditure is attached as Appendix 1 to the report.







Appendix 1 Wainuiomata Community Board Actual Expenditure 2019 2020










Author: Donna Male

Committee Advisor







Approved By: Kathryn Stannard

Divisional Manager, Democratic Services



Attachment 1

Appendix 1 Wainuiomata Community Board Actual Expenditure 2019 2020